Philip Cross

Philip Cross (1826–1888) from Shandy Hall, Dripsey, County Cork, Ireland was a physician convicted and hanged for the murder of his wife after an affair with his children's governess. The case was known in the late 19th Century as "the Coachford Poisoning Case" as the house was on the road between the adjacent villages of Dripsey and Coachford.

Cross was a retired British Army surgeon with the rank of Major. He resided at Shandy Hall, with his wife Laura and six children. Aside from hunting and fishing he rarely socialised (his wife was quite popular). Laura hired a 20 year old governess named Effie Skinner (who had worked at a friend's home) in 1886 to look after their children.

Cross had a disparaging view of most females, and Laura did not think of anything being stirred up by Ms Skinner. But soon afterwards Dr.Cross began showing too much of an interest in the governess. Eventually he actually seized and kissed her. Effie was upset by this, but due to her liking the children remained in the household. Since she did not speak to Laura about the incident, Cross thought she accepted his feelings for her. Eventually Laura noticed his attentions to Effie and confronted her husband. Laura insisted Effie had to leave the household and Cross agreed. Cross convinced Effie that Laura had an unreasonable view of her and she should leave the household. Effie believed Cross and moved to Dublin. A correspondence began between the two using assumed names. Gradually Effie actually did fall into love with Cross. He visited her in Dublin, and they lived there as husband and wife. According to Leonard Parry (p. 33), Cross wanted to end his marriage with Laura but not damage his social position by a messy divorce.

With a short time of this incident Laura became ill with stomach cramps, recently suffering vomiting and diarrhoea and thirst. Cross diagnosed typhoid (though Laura said to one friend, "Phil tells me that I have a disease of the heart.") and gave her medication for it. Cross acted as though he was deeply concerned about Laura's health. However he did not call in any other doctor until the end, when he called in a cousin, Dr. Godfrey of Broomhill, Dripsey. Her condition had deteriorated and she died on 2 June 1887. Cross signed her death certificate (something of a rarity in Victorian murder cases involving physicians). This was followed by a speedy funeral. All this speed did not sit well with the local population, even though Cross explained that as typhoid was the supposed death of death the speed of the burial was to prevent any contagion.

Fifteen days after the funeral Cross married Effie at St. James's Church on Piccadilly in London. He tried to keep this secret, but it was already known when he returned to Shandy Hall. The police acted because of the trail of suspicious circumstances from the time Effie entered the household. Laura's body was exhumed and found to contain high levels of arsenic and strychnine but no traces of typhoid, and as a result Dr. Cross was arrested and tried for her murder at the Munster Assizes before Mr. Justice Murphy. Cross was defended by Craigie Atkinson, who came up with a defence that since the defendant had served in the Far East, and was acquainted with many barely known subtler poisons, that it was unlikely he would have used arsenic, which is the first poison the police would think of. The prosecution demolished this theory by suggesting that while he was a brilliant man normally, as a criminal Dr. Cross behaved like a fool. Motive was shown as was the fact that the doctor had purchased arsenic recently (and had his sister destroy the bottles he used when treating Laura). Cross was found guilty quickly by the jury. Mr. Justice Murphy, in pronouncing sentence of death, said that the crime was one of the most cruel and bloodthirsty of the century (Parry, p. 35). Ironically, when the murder was uncovered Effie refused to have anything further to do with the Doctor.

Philip Cross was sentenced to be hanged in Cork Jail on January 10, 1888. By the time it came for his execution his hair had turned white. The hangman was James Berry. The execution was not one of Berry's most successful ones because of a problem regarding the proud criminal involved. For most of his life Cross had been a well born gentleman, and his friends in the area of Cork were from the aristocracy and upper classes. In fact the governor of the prison did not attend the execution because of his feelings about Cross (he sent a deputy to represent him). Berry found that these friends were at the execution to give Cross some emotional support in his last moments. Cross, grateful for their attendance wanted to stand at attention with respect to them, facing as he died. Berry, however, traditionally faced his subjects at executions towards the wall. But each time Berry turned Cross to the wall, the Doctor would turn around and face his friends again. When Berry protested Cross did not reply but just continued doing what he wanted. Finally an official ordered Berry to stop this silliness and allow Cross to die facing his friend, reminding the executioner that a) Cross was a respected soldier, and b) the turning back and forth might twist the rope and cause an accident (Berry had had several bad executions where the criminals were badly injured before they died or strangled to death). Berry did as he was told, and Cross died. Berry would later say that Dr. Philip Cross was the bravest man he ever executed.

Berry was not happy when he officiated at executions in Ireland because of the dangerous hostility of the Irish to him as an English born hangman. He had been threatened at least once. After being paid for his work he returned to his home in Bradford, England. Subsequently he received word to return to Cork because he was needed at an inquest hearing before a coroner's jury on the execution. Berry did not return, but the inquest eventually was completed.
